A matter of the heart 

  My name is Ari, I am a 12-year-old girl from MA. The other day while driving in the car, my stepsister asked a question, one that got me thinking and inspired this blog. She asked my stepfather why we need guns other then for target shooting. He replied that they can be helpful in dangerous situations, they give you an advantage if you're outnumbered or over powered by someone trying to hurt you. That launched us into another conversation about gun control laws and the type of people that commit violent crimes. Needless to say, it became very clear to me that no law can ever fix this problem. This isn't a matter of laws or guns this is a matter of the heart. It dawned on me that if we can reach the hearts of those who feel the need to hurt others we wouldn't even need gun laws or guns for that matter.

 So how do we go about changing hearts? How do we go about showing others that there is another         way? I know for myself what caused my change of heart. I may not have been carrying a gun and committing violent crimes but in my heart I was committing crimes against God. After understanding how much God loves me and how He showed His love for me on the cross by taking my place. I knew the only thing I could do in return is serve Him and live a life that is pleasing to Him. 

                      His love changed my heart and can change Anyone's heart.

          I've challenged myself with to reach others with His love through this blog. Now I challenge you to come back and visit my blog if you want to know more about this Love! 
